Horizon Forbidden West is the sequel to the popular action role-playing game Horizon Zero Dawn, developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game take place in a post-apocalyptic world where robotic creatures known as "machines" roam the land, and players take on the role of Aloy, a skilled hunter and archer, as she sets out on a journey to explore a new frontier and uncover the truth behind the fate of the world. The game feature new environments, new machines, and new gameplay mechanics, as well as improved graphics and an expanded story. Horizon Forbidden West is released on PlayStation 5 in 2021.
Test Horizon Forbidden West: a successful sequel!
Pros and Cons
- Improved graphics and visual design: The game feature stunning visuals and improved graphics, with more detailed environments and realistic-looking machines.
- New environments and machines: The game take place in a new frontier, and will introduce new environments and machines to players, providing a fresh and exciting experience.
- Expanded story: The game's story is expected to be more in-depth and complex, providing players with a more immersive and engaging experience.
- New gameplay mechanics: The game introduce new gameplay mechanics and features, such as the ability to swim, which will add more depth and variety to the gameplay.
- Improved combat system: The combat system more refined and polished, with more options for players to take down the machines.
- Next-gen gaming experience: Horizon Forbidden West released on PlayStation 5, players will be able to enjoy the game with better performance and faster loading times.
- Lack of innovation: Some players may feel that the game is too similar to the first game and lacks any major new innovations.
- Technical issues: As with any game, there is a possibility of technical issues such as bugs or glitches that could affect the overall experience.
- Short campaign.
- Lack of multiplayer.
- Same protagonist: Some players may be disappointed that the game continues to feature Aloy as the protagonist and not to have the chance to play as a new character.